The fog modifies the programma of the race so all the class make thier qualifying with only one turn of 40 minutes.
The polemen are Gianluca Vizziello (Honda - Velmotor 2000) in Supersport;  Fabio Massei (Yamaha - Team Piellemoto) in Stock 600: in 125 GP Luigi Morciano (Aprilia - JuniorGP Racing Dream), and the florentine Lorenzo Alfonsi (BMW - Kuja Racing) is the fastest in Superstock 1000. Last but bnot least, in Superbike pole position by Federico Sandi.

The two days session of free practice has finished in the late afternoon and in Stock 1000 the fastest is the florentine Lorenzo Alfonsi with 1’55”710 while the king in Stock 600 is Lorenzo Zanetti (Yamaha – TNT Racing), before Marcheluzzo (Honda), Vitali (Yamaha) and Russo (Yamaha). In Supersport class the classification is  Roberto Tamburini (Yamaha – Bike Service R.T.) Vizziello (Honda), Dionisi (Honda) and Lamborghini (Yamaha). After a long stop due to an accident the provisional poleman in 125 GP is Luigi Morciano (Aprilia – JuniorGP Racing Dream) than Tonucci, Antonelli and the leader Popov, all Aprilia. Stefano Cruciani is the fastest in Superbike: riding a Ducati of Barni Racing Team, than Sandi (Aprilia), the 2010 champion Polita and Conforti (Ducati).

Mugello, last station. 2010 CIV (Motorbike Italian Championship) is just before the end of the season with 4 of 5 class without a winner. Several riders can win the battle while only Alex Polita is sure in Superbike class: what it remains is now a question mark and Mugello must give the right anserws.
The timetable dedicates thursday and friday to the free practices, saturday to qualifyng and sunday to warm up and races. Tomorrow and friday the access into the circuit is free of charge.

We have in our eyes the emotions of ACI CSAI racing week end, but it's time to look ahead, to the new race. We spaek about CIV, Motorbike Italian Championships, with 4 of 5 classes without a king.
A very long race week end that will start  on Thursday with 1st free practices' day (on Friday the second).
Take a look to the attached files and you will discover the complete timetable and ticketsprice of the race.


A really exciting race day for the ninth event of ACI CSAI racing weekend. Alla the races, F3, Trofeo Maserati, 500 Abarth Trophy, Endurance Touringcar.. has offered a 1st class show that delighetd the spectators. All the results, from free practice to the races, are fully available on Live Timing of our website.
The show of Italian Cars Championships do not deplete the Sport Calendar of the circuit: next week another big event: the final stage of Italian Motorbike Championship. Stay with us...
Mugello Circuit was today the theatre of qualifying practices and four races for the ninth ACI CSAI racing weekend, the event of the Italian Car Championships on track. The tuscan track will host tomorrow eight races: the first start at 9am, the last one at 5.10 pm.
More info and all the results of today on Live Timing section of this website.

Un fine settimana che si preannuncia elettrizzante grazie alla seconda prova dell'ACI CSAI racing weekend che ospitiamo in circuito.
Sin dalla giornata di venerdì (accesso gratuito all'interno del circuito) con la disputa delle prove libere, ci sarà la possibilità per i piloti di saggiare le qualità della pista e preparare gli assetti della vetture in vista della prove di qualificazione di sabato e delle gare (quattro) che animeranno la seconda giornata (a a partire dal primo pomeriggio) dell'appuntamento targato ACI CSAI. Poi, nella giornata di domenica, una vera e propria scorpacciata di competizioni.
Vi ricordiamo, infine, dell'opportunità offerta anche in questa occasione che permette di acquistare due biglietti al prezzo di uno: sarà sufficiente salvare sul desktop e poi stampare l'allegata cartolina da presentare alle casse.

Sport and solidarity represent a success' binomial: the sports value are so close to the targets that intendes to reach the solidarity world. Just in these hours Mugello Circuit is hosting a special event, in the renoved small track 'Il Mugellino' for kart, minibike, supermotard, fully dedicated to Telethon, one of the most important italian fund raising event.
The results are now a work in progress - but Solidarity is the sole winner ! - so you can enjoy the first pictures of the new Mugellino.....