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Logistics optimization and CO2 savings. Thanks to the collaboration between BusForFun and Mugello Circuit, it will be possible to reach the circuit by bus from various Italian cities
Reaching the Italian Grand Prix at Mugello Circuit by bus without having to worry about parking and also helping the environment. All this is possible again this year thanks to the collaboration with BusForFun. The bus services connecting various Italian cities to the Tuscan racetrack is also renewed for the 2025 Motomondiale stage scheduled for next June 20-22. In fact, last year's numbers confirm the Ferrari facility's dual and objective of improving logistical efficiency and reducing the environmental impact generated by event participants.
As a first service, BusForFun provided transportation for participants from different cities in Italy, making optimized routes and ensuring a comfortable and safe service. By analyzing data on the use of bus services, with departure cities such as Bologna, Foggia, Lecce, Salerno, Turin and Trieste, BusForFun determined the number of cars that were not used thanks to the use of the shared vehicles, allowing 116,304 kilometers to be saved, equivalent to a reduction in CO2 emissions of 17,676.14 kilograms.
Added to this was an enhanced shuttle service from the outdoor parking lots to the areas inside the racetrack, which reduced traffic and ensured smoother management of the entry and exit flow. The use of 7 shuttles on a continuous cycle, with a total of 612 rides, and a transport of 6,999 passengers, reduced CO2 emissions by an additional 1,156.14 kilograms.
The methodology for calculating carbon dioxide emissions, which was used to prepare the sustainability report delivered after the event was over, was validated by Bureau Veritas S.p.A., ensuring maximum reliability of the data.
ROAD SAFETY AND CYCLING: Mugello Circuit hosts conference on 1.5 meters and bike lanes
The Mugello Circuit will host an important event on January 18th, dedicated to cyclist safety. The conference will provide an opportunity to celebrate, together with the association Io Rispetto il Ciclista, a significant milestone reached ten years after the launch of the campaign: the introduction of a regulation in the Italian Highway Code mandating a minimum distance of 1.5 meters when overtaking cyclists, approved in December 2024.
This new regulation marks a turning point for cyclists on Italian roads, promoting greater respect and awareness towards sustainable mobility. The law not only protects those cycling today but also paves the way for safer roads for future generations.
During the conference, the journey leading to the approval of the law will be retraced, with a particular focus on the salvaciclisti sign campaign, an initiative that engaged numerous Italian municipalities and raised awareness among citizens and local administrators. The event will also serve as an opportunity to look to the future: the association will present its new project aimed at promoting the adoption of bike lanes across Italy. This urban and social tool is seen as the ideal complement to the 1.5-meter rule, representing another step towards safer and more welcoming cities for cyclists.
The project’s strategy will focus on three main areas: engaging with central institutions to improve the regulatory framework, collaborating with local administrations to encourage the adoption of bike lanes in municipalities across Italy, and launching a communication campaign to raise public awareness about the importance of road safety.
The event will also feature the presentation of a comic book dedicated to the association Io Rispetto il Ciclista, which narrates the journey and values that inspired this initiative.
This milestone is the result of collective effort, supported by donors, volunteers, testimonials, and the association ACCPI, with the shared goal of creating a future where respect for cyclists is guaranteed on all Italian roads. The event at the Mugello Circuit will be a moment of reflection and renewal because, as the association emphasizes, this is not a point of arrival but a starting point for even more determined action, honoring the memory of Tommaso Cavorso and all road traffic victims.
With the final round in Abhu Dhabi, Mercedes and Toto Wolff have begun the long farewell ceremony for Lewis Hamilton, who after 12 seasons, 246 races, 84 victories, and six World Drivers’ Championships. "People doubted me at first, but the records and the championships we've won speak for themselves," Lewis confessed. It’s nice to see how, in the thank-you video, the start of the 2020 Formula 1 Ferrari 1000 Grand Prix, which took place at Mugello, is also featured and well remebered. The Mugello Circuit is proud to have been part of this extraordinary story. And the adventure continues for the seven-time world champion. In 2025, the Scuderia Ferrari awaits him.
Approaching the holiday season, all employees of the Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello - led by Director Poli - went this morning as they do every year to the Borgo San Lorenzo Hospital Transfusion Center to make a collective blood donation.
For years, the Autodromo and the Hospital have been actively collaborating to raise awareness of blood donation, an initiative that represents an important civic duty and can be a positive example for other local businesses as well. “I can only express my gratitude to the Mugello Circuit for this day, which saw all the employees of the Autodromo engaged in an extremely important social activity,” said Dr. Franco Vocioni, Head of the Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Facility for the Florence-Empoli area, to which the Borgo San Lorenzo Hospital Transfusion Center also belongs. “. Autodrome employees are true volunteers, supporting us several times a year. An initiative like this reinforces the message I would like to spread to all businesses: blood donation has multiple benefits, including civic importance and prevention. Donating blood is a form of preventive medicine, as the donor undergoes a medical examination, basic tests and more thorough checkups at least once a year. Our system pays special attention to the health of the donor, with positive effects for the receiving patient as well. I also want to emphasize that initiatives like this do not only respond to emergency situations, but fit into a fabric of extremely important daily activities. In fact, without blood donation, 70% of healthcare activity would be compromised. I would also like to extend my thanks to the racetrack staff on behalf of the patients who will benefit from the blood thus collected today.”
Gran Premio d’Italia Brembo 20-22 giugno 2025: risveglia la passione! Inizia la prevendita del Motomondiale al Mugello.
PROMO MUGELLO: lawn ticket Sunday from € 72, grandstand Sunday € 155
Mugello Circuit, - The date with MotoGP at Mugello is June 20-22, 2025 for a weekend of pure fun. Five classes with MotoGP - Moto2 - Moto3 - MotoE and Red Bull Rookies Cup and double date with qualifying and Sprint Race on Saturday and all races on Sunday. Plenty of meetings with riders on the Fan Zone stage, the Hero walk on Saturday and Sunday or the Rider Fan Parade are scheduled.
Among the sporting novelties that make the Italian Grand Prix at Mugello an appointment not to be missed is the challenge of the Italian manufacturers Ducati and Aprilia. All eyes are on the new Ducati Factory dream team that sees Pecco Bagnaia joined by Marc Marquez. How will the new balance in the box be, and who between the two champions will prevail on the Tuscan track of Mugello? There is also a lot of anticipation for Jorge Martin's debut in Aprilia colors. And again a KTM called to redemption as well as the Japanese Honda and Yamaha.
Also of note is the new date of the Italian GP, with the choice of the weekend of June 20-22, Mugello will celebrate together with all MotoGP fans the arrival of summer in the longest days of the year for an unforgettable weekend. Between racing on the track, music and concerts at night.
After the great success of last year's edition, a greater influx of spectators is expected. The presence of nearby Florence and the beauty of our land, Mugello, like the whole of Tuscany, represent a great added value for spectators who will be able to combine sports, art, music and a cuisine that the whole world envies us.
PRESALE - Today, Monday, Nov. 25, ticket presale begins on and where you can check out all the promotions.
LARGE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: Free lawn admission up to 15 years of age. A 20 percent reduction on all lawn and grandstand ticket types will be reserved for 16-18 year olds.
PRATO TICKETS: Take advantage of the promotion to experience the Italian GP at Mugello as a protagonist: lawn tickets at €22 for Friday, €40 on Saturday to watch qualifying and the Sprint, €72 on Sunday
AT MUGELLO YOU DON'T SLEEP Mugello rewards fans who spend the entire weekend with access as early as Thursday evening with a very competitive price: 125 € for four nights and three days of racing. 105 € the 2-day pass valid for Saturday and Sunday with the possibility of entering Friday night. Camper voucher for €70.
Free camping
Free admission for motorcycles
Music and concerts with free international DJ sets
Free autograph sessions and entertainment on stage
A PLACE IN THE FIRST ROW: For lovers of comfort, Friday grandstand tickets on promotion from € 37 (Grandstand 58 on the legendary curve Arrabbiata 1, Tribuna Materassi and Poggio Secco, the Central Grandstand on the straight and grid)
IMF MEMBERS, Military and Law Enforcement.
Continue the opportunity to access with reduced ticket for lawn and grandstands
Nemmeno le bizze del meteo hanno fermato lo spettacolo targato FX Racing Weekend, andato in scena nelle giornate di Venerdì 18 e Sabato 19 Ottobre sul Mugello Circuit. Il penultimo appuntamento stagionale ha riservato una sequenza di gare scoppiettanti e ricche di colpi di scena, nell’ambito di un evento che ha visto la presenza di ben nove categorie al via per un totale di quasi 190 partecipanti.
Tra le categorie che hanno calamitato l’attenzione dei Fans nella due giorni andata in scena sull’autodromo toscano, un ruolo da protagonista è stato senza dubbio ricoperto dalla FX Pro Series, dove grazie al doppio successo centrato in entrambe le manche dal giovane Francesco Pio Coppola la sfida per il titolo si preannuncia più aperta che mai. A conquistare invece il primo trono del 2024 è stato il duo formato da Giuseppe Bodega e Fulvio Ferri, i quali si sono matematicamente laureati campioni in ATCC Italy con un round d’anticipo. Confronto incerto ed equilibrato anche nel Trofeo Predator’s, con le vittorie conquistate da Giuseppe Saverino e Andrea Galluzzi in condizioni meteo variabili, mentre la ATCC Cup ha premiato nelle due gare Tommaso Toldo e Riccardo Garbin. Le emozioni non sono mancate nemmeno nelle altre categorie: dalle monoposto della FX1/FX2 alle spettacolari sfide di Legends Cars, Lotus Cup Italia e Twingo Cup, senza dimenticare la presenza in pista anche del Porsche Club Historic Challenge. Tutte le gare sono state trasmesse in live streaming per circa quindici ore di diretta complessive, con il fondamentale contributo di Davide Valsecchi a rendere ancora più eccitante la sfida in pista.
FX PRO SERIES. Ad emergere nelle insidiose condizioni meteo del Mugello è stato il talento del giovane Francesco Pio Coppola, capace di conquistare il successo in ambedue le gare dopo aver ottenuto una perentoria pole position in qualifica. Nella prima manche, il pilota del team Technorace ha preceduto sul podio Lorenzo Mariani e Riccardo Paniccià (distanziati tra loro da soli 175 millesimi sul traguardo), mentre nella seconda ha avuto la meglio nei confronti di Alberto Naska e dello stesso Mariani, complice una penalità di 25” inflitta a Patrick Fraboni per una manovra giudicata scorretta dai Commissari. Proprio lo stesso Fraboni ha comunque mantenuto la leadership della graduatoria assoluta con un solo punto di vantaggio su Naska, con il finale di Misano che vedrà anche Mariani e Coppola ancora in lizza per il titolo assoluto, mentre Cosimo Antoniello e Riccardo Paniccià proveranno a chiudere i giochi rispettivamente nelle classi Master e Silver.
TROFEO PREDATOR’S. La scelta degli pneumatici ha ricoperto un ruolo fondamentale in entrambe le gare, con i piloti chiamati a decidere tra slick e rain in una condizione meteo assai incerta. Ad imporsi in gara-1 è stato Giuseppe Saverino, capace di centrare il suo secondo successo stagionale precedendo Claudio Tempesti e David Tonizza, mentre la seconda prova ha visto il ritorno sul gradino più alto del podio dell’esperto Andrea Galluzzi, capace di avere la meglio nei confronti di Saverino e di Tonizza. Proprio quest’ultimo ha potuto quindi consolidare la propria leadership in classifica, complice anche il weekend sottotono vissuto da Davide Critelli e dai fratelli Zaniboni, mentre Tempesti e Saverino hanno compiuto un importante passo in avanti verso la conquista dei titoli nelle classi Over e AM.
ATCC ITALY/CUP. Dopo il successo conquistato lo scorso anno, Giuseppe Bodega si è confermato sul trono assoluto ATCC Italy, centrando aritmeticamente il titolo con un round d’anticipo in compagnia di Fulvio Ferri. L’equipaggio del team A45E1 ha dominato la prima manche con il pilota lecchese, per poi imporsi nella propria Divisione anche nella seconda gara nonostante una penalità di 10” inflitta al romano. A togliersi la soddisfazione di conquistare il successo in gara-2 è stato quindi Riccardo Garbin, il quale su Seat Ibiza si è imposto in ATCC Cup precedendo Claudio Grispino e Tommaso Toldo, mentre proprio quest’ultimo si era aggiudicato la vittoria nella manche precedente avendo la meglio nei confronti di Gianpiero Fornara e Valentino Gambarotto. Nella divisione One Cup Series i successi sono andati a Giuseppe Angilello e al rookie Alessandro Palazzo, con Andrea Carpenzano che ha conservato la leadership in campionato, mentre nella Bmw 318 Cup la doppietta siglata da Michele Parretta ha consentito a quest’ultimo di avvicinarsi alla conquista del titolo di classe.
FX1/FX2. Uno stoico Valentino Carofano è stato il principale protagonista del weekend al Mugello, conquistando entrambe le gare al volante della Lola F106 03 nonostante fosse alle prese con i postumi di un infortunio rimediato nelle settimane precedenti, con Enrico Battaglia (Griiip G1) e Mei Shibi (Dallara F308) che si sono alternati alle sue spalle sul podio. Per quanto riguarda la graduatoria FX2, Riccardo Rossi e Vito Di Bello si sono imposti nelle due gare, con il rientrante Saul Gorlato a podio in entrambe le occasioni.
LEGENDS CARS ITALIA. Lo spettacolo come di consueto non è mancato nel penultimo round stagionale, complice la presenza di uno schieramento composto da oltre trenta vetture: Luigi Maselli si è tolto la soddisfazione di precedere in volata il leader del campionato Alessandro Bollini in gara-1, mentre nella seconda prova è stato proprio quest’ultimo ad imporsi, precedendo sul traguardo Alessio Schenini e Luca Antonutti.
LOTUS CUP ITALIA. Alberto Naska è sempre più vicino alla conquista del titolo assoluto del campionato riservato alle Elise Cup PB-R, grazie al doppio terzo posto conquistato al Mugello. Nella prima manche, il popolare pilota e content creator si è inchinato di fronte alla supremazia di Adriano Stellino, il quale ha preceduto il campione in carica Massimo Abbati, mentre nella seconda è stato proprio quest’ultimo ad aggiudicarsi il successo avendo la meglio nei confronti del rientrante pilota siciliano.
TWINGO CUP. Nel confronto che ha visto al via, oltre ai partecipanti alla Sprint Series tricolore, anche i piloti della serie continentale, ad imporsi in gara-1 è stato il campione in carica Andrea Basso che ha preceduto Matteo Gonfiantini e Andrea Benini, mentre nella seconda manche Gonfiantini si è riscattato nei confronti di Basso, con Riccardo Gasparini sul terzo gradino del podio ed in vetta alla graduatoria AM.